Fantastic Four is Next Product | Jurassic World Afterbirth | Kingdom Come Brilliance |Capns Cast 106

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Will Fantastic Four First Steps save Marvel or will it be next product? Jurassic World Rebirth looks like an AI generated movie complete with royalty-free music. Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 is sending shockwaves through gaming with based brilliance. Gamergate and other cancel pig nonsense was funded by our own government?! Captain's Cast 106.

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#FantasticFour #JurassicWorld #KingdomCome

2:00: Intro
14:53: Jurassic World Afterbirth trailer reaction
1:00:12: Fantastic 4 First Steps trailer reaction
1:32:00: Disney Plus bleeding subscribers
1:56:50: Heir to the Empire Anime Fan Film
2:15:00: Kingdom Come Deliverance 2
3:11:05: Section 31 Red Letter Media review part 2
3:46:03: Rogue Elements by Critical Drinker reaction part 2

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