The Cruel Psychology Of Haters

1 month ago

A video essay highlighting and documenting the cruel psychology of haters and online hate that surrounds our toxic social media landscape nowadays.

I created this for all of us, welcome to the creative rebellion. We are all in this together and we're going to find our way through all this. I believe in all of you.

I also wanted to clarify about this. The reason why judgment also hurts us a lot, is because we want their attention. We're desperately trying to always get attention from the wrong people. So a judgment from them, feels like a punch in the chest. So, we must stop this in its tracks. Do not try to get attention from the internet, or anyone else that isn't your close friends and/or family. If you struggle to have friends, try to build up the confidence to start joining clubs/activities and make more friends in the real world, rather than a internet screen. Because for us to give up all our agency and trust to random strangers and to be co-dependent on them is a recipe for disaster.

I love you all to death, keep moving forward.

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