Can your child read AND spell with these sound spellings?

4 days ago

Ever wonder how to make the journey of learning to read less daunting for your child? Look no further! In this video, we delve into the foundational skills that are crucial for your child's reading success.

Learning to read is a step-by-step process that requires specific and targeted instruction. Join us as we identify the 6 essential syllable types your child needs to master for fluency in both reading and writing. These syllable types are the key to unlocking the world of words!

The Syllable Types:

1️⃣ Open Syllable: Discover words like "he," "she," and "go," where the vowel stands alone without a following consonant.

2️⃣ Closed Syllable: Dive into words where the vowel is closed in by a consonant, causing it to make its short sound.

3️⃣ Blends and Digraphs: Explore pairs of letters that stick together, either making individual sounds (blends) or a single sound (digraphs).

4️⃣ Vowel Controlled E: Unravel the magic of silent "e" that makes the vowel say its long sound, with important rules to keep in mind.

5️⃣ R-controlled Vowel: Understand how a vowel, followed by an "r," changes its pronunciation, as seen in words like "ar," "er," "ur," "ir," and "or."

6️⃣ Vowel Teams/Diphthongs: Explore the collaboration of two vowels making one sound (vowel teams) and the unique pronunciation changes in diphthongs.

7️⃣ Consonant -le: Delve into final syllables featuring one consonant followed by "l" and silent "e," recognizing the complexity of this syllable type.

While these rules provide a solid foundation, we acknowledge exceptions. Rest assured, exceptions will be addressed in future content.

Research shows that understanding syllable types during spelling (encoding) aids recognition and use during reading (decoding). Witness the transformative power these skills bring to young readers!

Boost your child's reading and spelling proficiency by assessing their current abilities. Check out our Syllable-type assessments to identify the perfect starting point for your child's journey to fluency.

Empower your child with the confidence and skills needed for a lifetime of joyful reading. Subscribe now for more educational insights and resources!

K3 Homeschool Foundations Resources:

Science of Reading Simplified Ecourse

5 Foundations of Reading Ecourse

Skill-Based Literacy Curriculum

Tuttle Twins Books

Play Kits with Lovevery

FREE Literacy for Littles Ebook

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