DNC's Brag About 'Results' Democrat Governors Delivered Only Proves Why Dems Should Not Be Elected

1 month ago

Posted • February 8, 2025: The DNC is again bragging about the "results" that their party has delivered, this time via Democrat state governors: The Democrats @TheDemocrats: “When you elect Democrat governors, you get results!” —— Governor Gretchen Whitmer @GovWhitmer: “Yesterday, we celebrated the expansion of the Michigan Energy Assistance Program, helping more Michiganders in all 83 counties—from the 313 to the 906—power their homes all year long. This move makes 335,000 more families eligible for MEAP.” —— Only in Democrat-Land is having such disastrous policies leading more people to need even more government assistance in order to survive considered a positive "result."

The MEAP in a nutshell: “The purpose of the MEAP is to establish and administer programs statewide that provide energy assistance and self-sufficiency services to eligible low-income households. Self-sufficiency services include assisting participants with the following: paying their energy bills on time; budgeting for and contributing to their ability to provide for energy expenses, which may include enrollment into an affordable payment plan (APP); and utilizing energy services to optimize on energy efficiency.” —— So it depends on what your definition of "results" is… Increasing government aid isn’t getting results. It’s an admission of failure. If Governor Whitmer was actually getting results, people wouldn’t need more government aid. Democrats these days consider fewer people needing government assistance to be failure. She's just passing the cost on to other people.

Whitmer's delivered such wonderful "results" that Michigan's near the top of the "move out" list: “In a recent study of people who moved in 2023, Michigan is ranked as Number Five in the “top outbound states.” According to the 2023 National Movers Study by United Van Lines, 58% of Michigan moves last year were considered “outbound”–they involved leaving the state. Only New Jersey, Illinois, North Dakota and New York surpassed Michigan as the most moved-out-of states in 2023.” —— How are we liking these Democrat "results" so far? Like this? 🤡 (…)

• More at: Twitchy - DNC's Brag About 'Results' Democrat Governors Delivered Only Proves Why Dems Should NOT Be Elected

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