Is Colombia Safe? (True Stories from Backpackers)

1 month ago

We explore stories from South America, including war stories about safety in Colombia and if China really is the most advanced (and best?) place in the world!

We cover everything from the mass surveillance state of China, to its super convenience, to its healthcare to teaching English abroad and how that life is.

As well, we talk about Colombia, India, Morocco, Ecuador, Peru, and so many other places in the world!

This is the first episode of our new travel podcast (Travel Across Time Zones) and the discussion and the laughs are never ending!

NOTE: This is my first podcast episode (in this format), so please forgive some of the technical difficulties, and some audio that seems to be out of sync in some places.

Also, as my guest Nicole is in China, there was an audio delay and I apologize in advance for seemingly talking over her when I didn't mean to do that. :(

I hope you enjoy!

00:00 Sneak Peak
00:51 How We Met
05:03 Robbed in South America (Ecuador)
12:53 Cold Plunges
18:53 High Stress Lifestyle Fix
19:40 No Baths in China
21:00 People Don’t Cook in China
23:15 WeChat – Better than Facebook?
25:20 3 Types of Foreigners in China
28:00 Would you Shave your beard?
32:00 Robbed AGAIN in Colombia
39:05 India Stories + Yoga Certification
44:30 Paris is your Shithole
47:42 Morocco Adventure
54:00 Teaching English in China – What’s it Like?
57:33 Is China Advanced?
1:00:07 They do take pictures of you!
1:03:30 What is China REALLY like?
1:12:25 The MOST Powerful Thing in the World
1:14:00 Do you need a VPN in China?
1:16:30 Tourism & Privacy within China
1:18:15 KFC on a Train!
1:19:25 7/11 in Japan
1:19:53 Freedom of Speech?
1:21:25 Culture Tied into Language
1:23:19 No Gender in China?
1:29:09 Eating Burgers with Chopsticks?
1:31:17 Toilets or Just Holes?
1:33:13 Where are you Really from?
1:36:50 AI + Travel (The Future)
1:39:39 Lost City in Colombia Adventure - It’s the Journey that Matters!
1:51:52 Never Trust a Fart
1:54:23 Food Poisoning in India
1:56:52 Is the Western Medical System Actually Good?
2:07:50 Peruvian Adventures and Doctor Visits
2:13:14 Vietnam Crash and Ripping the Flesh Off in the Shower

#china #india #colombia #ecuador #safety #travelpodcast #travel #travelacrosstimezones

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