Call To Action for the Doug Cameron Act SB 1036

1 month ago

Doug Cameron and Laura Demaray join Miste Karlfeldt in discussing the impact of the Covid 19 "vaccine" and why it is imperative that we pass this moratorium on experimental gene therapies in Idaho.

SB 1336 will be hear in the Senate H&W Committee on Mon. Feb. 17th. at 3:00 pm in WW 54.

Please contact the committee and ask them to vote "YES" on SB 1036. It's imperative that you show up in person. You can testify online or in person.

Contact info for the H&W Committee:

SB 1036 Bill Information:

Vaccine Injury Data:

Scientific Research & Testimonies:

Laura's resolution templates, past educational videos, and county (SWDH) presentation:

Want to know more information from Laura? Here are some resources:

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