The Lie I Told for a Friend: Why I’d Do It Again.

1 month ago

Once upon a time, I did a friend a favour—by lying that she had committed suicide.
It wasn’t an easy decision, nor one made lightly. But when I saw the extent of the abuse she was suffering at the hands of a well-known online troll who went by the username Lucifer, I understood why she felt she had no other way out.
This individual, Lucifer, had sent my friend a message that read:
“Scabby ain’t you topped yourself yet? Please hurry up you dirty benefit cheat and guess what, I stand by calling you a nonce, as you were the one that proved yourself to be a nonce.”
Imagine receiving a message like that. Imagine waking up every day to a fresh barrage of abuse, targeted and relentless. My friend had reached her breaking point. She felt so hounded, so destroyed by this individual’s trolling that she decided it would be easier to let the world believe she was dead than to endure another day of his torment.
So, I did what any loyal friend would do—I backed her play. I lied. I let the world believe she had passed, because that’s what she wanted. And if I had to do it again, I would.
Why? Because I despise this so-called Lucifer. A man who doesn’t just revel in online abuse but has a criminal conviction for animal cruelty and eight more undisclosed convictions lurking in the shadows. And yet, despite his vile behaviour, despite his documented cruelty, the focus is now on me for lying to protect a friend.
Where is the scrutiny on Lucifer? Where is the outrage over what he said? Why is there no accountability for the cruelty that pushed my friend to such an extreme decision?
The narrative is now twisted—I'm the villain for lying, while Lucifer walks away unchecked, his words unexamined, his actions ignored. The hypocrisy is staggering.
So let me be clear: I will always stand by my friends against online abusers. If protecting someone from the unrelenting harassment of a convicted animal abuser means telling a lie, then so be it. Because in this situation, the real crime isn’t the lie—it’s the abuse that made it necessary.

Write an blog reporting that once upon a time I did a friend a favour, by lying that she had committed suicide.

A well known individual who used the username Lucifer on YouTube, sent my friend a message which read; “Scabby ain’t you topped yourself yet? Please hurry up you dirty benefit cheat and guess what, I stand by calling you a nonce, as you were the one that proved yourself to be a nonce.”

This message was the final straw and the reason why she wanted everyone to believe she was dead.

She felt so trolled by this individual that she would rather be viewed as dead rather than endure anymore abuse.

I would lie for my friend again, because I despise this individual who calls himself “Lucifer.” An individual with a criminal conviction for animal cruelty and a further 8 undisclosed convictions.

Now all the action is on me for lying for my friend, and zero accountability or light being shone on what Lucifer had to say.

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