Eyebombing Budapest Kitsch Spots: A Major Erects a Statue to the Newspaper That Made Him a Celebrity

18 days ago

Here we are, in a place where history and tackiness meet—Budapest's finest kitsch spots, immortalized in pure, unfiltered 'Why?' The crown jewel? A statue erected by a major politician to honor the very newspaper that turned him into a household name. A nod to press freedom, or an exercise in self-serving monumentality? You decide. It’s not every day you get to witness a piece of political propaganda dressed up as high art. Cheers to kitsch!

Antal Rogán, a district-level Christian Democrat and notoriously corrupt mayor, was turned into a taxpayer-funded celebrity by the tabloid newspaper Blikk. In gratitude, Rogán used public money to erect a statue honoring Blikk: a deformed-looking newsboy selling a contemporary edition of the paper. A true win-win—Rogán caught Orbán’s attention, while Blikk received a permanent, bronze-clad public advertisement. The only losers? Public funds, morality, and good taste.

#EyebombingBudapest #KitschSpots #PoliticalPropaganda #RoganAndBlikk #HungarianCorruption #BudapestMonuments #Satire #PublicArt #PressFreedom #GoodTasteGoneWrong #eyebombingbudapest #eyebombing #googlyeyes #szőkeLajossculptor #blikkhu #blikk ‎@BlikkTV  #blikkszobor #rogánszobor #antalrogan ‎@RoganCecilia

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