SCN investigates: Episode 1- Florida Highway Patrol's illegal detainment and unlawful arrest for DUI

1 month ago

On July 18, 2023, I was illegally detained and unlawfully arrested by FHP Trooper Kenneth Montgomery in St. Augustine, FL. This series will follow my story.

This video is for educational, informational, and documentation purposes only. This is not meant to harm or harass.

If you are a law-abiding citizen and a sober, non-impaired driver, BEWARE. You can, in an instant, be detained, arrested and have your civil and constitutional rights suspended for absolutely nothing at all, even when the evidence proves you definitively innocent to the Arresting Officer.

In my case, for a DUI / DWI where you consumed no alcohol, blew 0.000 (x2), pass a field sobriety test, and submit to a urinalysis that detected no illegal narcotics.

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