Dr Poornima Wagh: There is NO SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 and NO 'Virus' Variants!

1 month ago

Dr. Poornima Wagh, a woman with a PhD in virology and immunology and a 20-year career as a laboratory researcher and scientist, describes how her lab received a contract from the CDC and then attempted to properly isolate SARS-CoV-2

In the interview, he describes the methods virologists use and their futile attempts to isolate viruses using scientific methods

The entire experiment was repeated multiple times

They didn't find SARS Cov 2, they didn't find the genome, they didn't find anything. Nothing was found at all.

We called Dr Robert Redfield, the director of the CDC, to show him the findings. He said, 'I don't care what you find, just call it SARS-Cov-2.'

We asked the CDC to send us a sample of the isolated virus. They said they didn't have it, stopped responding to our calls, but then the FBl raided our lab..."

Note: not a single virus has ever been isolated. Virology & immunology are built on falsehoods.

Source: https://t.me/cruel_historyy/7347

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Dr Poornima Wagh Covid 19 Sars-cov-2 Doesn't Exist A Global Lie
2 years, 6 months ago

Dr. Poornima Wagh: There Is No SARS-Cov-2, There Is No Covid 19 And There Are No Variants

No 'Bird Flu', 'Malaria' or 'Ebola' or 'Syphilis' or COVID or CORONA or ANY 'Virus' has NEVER been 'isolated' and does NOT Exists!

- All Dis-'eases' are Poisoning!
- 'Viruses' are simply excretions of a toxic cell.
- 'Viruses' happen when the Cell is poisoned.
- We are all being poisoned slowly daily.
- You body are a self-healing machine who detox and heal itself.
- You are what you drink, eat and think and what you are 'exposed' to (EMF, 4/5G, WIFI etc)

Proof? - watch and research this:

TERRAIN The Film Part 1 & 2. (No Commercials & Advert, Reloaded) [15.02.2022]

The Viral Delusion Part 1-5.

The Untold Story Behind The Pandemic. The doctors, scientists and journalists examine in detail the scientific papers that were used to justify the pandemic, and what they find is shattering.

The Viral Delusion Part 1 Behind The Curtain of The PLANdemic & The Pseudoscience of SARS-COV-2 [21.03.2022]

The Viral Delusion Part 2: Monkey Business: Polio, Measles And How It All Began! [27.03.2022]

The Viral Delusion Part 3: The Mask of Death, The Plague, Smallpox and The Spanish Flu! [04.04.2022]

The Viral Delusion Part 4 - HIV AIDS, The Deadly Deception! [04.04.2022]

The Viral Delusion Part 5 - Sequencing The 'Virus' Without The 'Virus'! [06.04.2022]

The INside Effects - How the Body Heals Itself! (Full Documentary) [09.07.2023]

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