Nehemiah Lesson-02: Divinely Compelled to Act (Part II)

21 days ago

This Week’s Lesson

We are in Lesson-02 in the series “Rebuilding the Covenant Community” from the book of Nehemiah.
This is Volume II of our series: “After the Exile” a study of Ezra-Nehemiah-Esther.
The lesson is titled “Divinely Compelled to Act – Part II” and our focus passage is Nehemiah 2:1-20.
Please find your way in your Bible to that passage.

In our previous episode, we began in earnest our study of the book of Nehemiah. We looked at Nehemiah 1:1-11, “Nehemiah’s Prayer”.
Our story begins when Nehemiah who is in the citadel of Susa and a group of men arrive with news regarding the returned Exiles and the city of Jerusalem.
Nehemiah is one of the Jewish exiles who had remained in Persia, and he had an influential position serving King Artaxerxes: He was the king’s cupbearer.
The setting for the account is the month Chislev, in the 20th year of King Artaxerxes (Neh. 2:1).

As noted in our previous lesson, Dr. Derek Kidner states that this was between mid-November and mid-December 446 B.C.
This places the events in this chapter about 13 years from Ezra’s return to Jerusalem.
Nehemiah learned remnant were in great disgrace and distress and that the wall in Jerusalem was broken down and the city’s gates had been burned down.
Upon hearing these news, he was deeply moved with compassion for his fellow Exiles and spent days in fasting and prayer.

Nehemiah’s prayer was filled with the acknowledgment of who God is, His justice in disciplining Israel and his knowledge of God’s Word and His promises.
He was divinely compelled to act, but first Nehemiah prepared himself with prayer to ask for God’s favor with the king. This one man was about to make a huge difference.

In today’s lesson we will learn how God answered Nehemiah’s prayers, and we will learn that he has been in deep thinking and planning about what he wants to do.
God’s timing (as usual) is going to be perfect, and the king will have some questions for Nehemiah.
Nehemiah’s time in fasting and prayer will be rewarded as he steps up for the sake of his people.

Let’s get started.

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