Episode 2906: The Ladder of Divine Ascent - To the Shepherd

1 month ago

Father David Abernethy has been conducting an in-depth study of St. John Climacus' "The Ladder of Divine Ascent," focusing on the appendix titled "To the Shepherd." This section offers guidance to spiritual leaders on nurturing and guiding their communities.

In his discussions, Father Abernethy emphasizes that the spiritual journey is not solely about personal growth but also about extending care and love to others. He highlights the importance of selflessness and attentiveness to the needs of others, reflecting the love and guidance we receive from Christ. The wisdom and consolation we gain in our spiritual lives are not solely for personal benefit but are meant to be shared to support and protect others. This perspective encourages a shift from self-focus to a communal approach, where the well-being of others becomes a priority.

Father Abernethy also discusses the responsibilities of spiritual leaders, emphasizing that their role is not just a position but a call to guide and form others in faith. He warns against treating the Church as a business or approaching spiritual life as a transactional experience. Instead, he advocates for a revolutionary approach to faith, calling for radical repentance and a return to God in every aspect of life. This involves loving others as Christ has loved us, embodying the selfless care of the Good Shepherd who lays down his life for his flock.

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