He Is ALL OF US: Twitter Celebrates BASED Security Guard Saying 'NO' To Screeching Democrats

1 month ago

Posted • February 8, 2025: Not all heroes wear capes. Sometimes, a hero just wears a comfortable polo shirt with his glasses perched on his forehead while he calmly stands in front of the Department of Education completely IGNORING the screeches of insurrection-y Democrats like Maxine Waters. We reported the embarrassing scene Congressional Democrats created when they stormed the entrance to the Department of Education and DEMANDED to be let in (even though we're pretty sure none of them have ever visited that building before). We haven't seen Democrat politicians act so disgracefully since … well, since yesterday. But despite their childish behavior, Democrats inadvertently created a new American superhero in the (as yet unnamed) security guard who calmly and peacefully stood in their way and simply told them, 'No.' -- DOGE security guy wins the award for least fucks given.

We think we will start calling our new superhero 'Captain DOGE.' Much like Captain America, when Democrats berated and insulted him and demanded he open the doors his response was, 'No. No, I don't think I will.' HERO! Watch this patriot respond to Maxine Waters. https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1887895805387743232/pu/vid/avc1/720x1280/Rl4Eqar4kdiwaxd9.mp4 -- You just KNOW that Waters was trying to get a rise out of him or make him lose his temper in front of the cameras. But he looks like his heart rate never increased by a single beat as he gave her less attention (and deference) than he would give a buzzing fly. This security guard is based AF! 🤣 https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1887923970583707649/pu/vid/avc1/1280x720/RVgTTJTTr2bNhCDS.mp4 -- We don't think many people could have stood there as calmly as this during that unhinged verbal assault from 'elected representatives of the people.' […]

We wish we knew his name so we could find him somewhere around D.C. this weekend and buy him ALL the beers. Your new Secretary of Zero F's To Give https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1887898444234186758/vid/avc1/1020x720/DB6ou6nS7xxldclF.mp4 -- Someone needs to tell Elon Musk because he probably will give the man that title. And business cards to match. Watching these deranged people being told “No” as a complete sentence after years of their bullying is 🤌🏼 —— Not 'No' followed by an apology. Not 'No' followed by an explanation. Just. Plain. No. It's so beautiful. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - He Is ALL OF US: Twitter Celebrates BASED Security Guard Saying 'NO' to Screeching Democrats

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