Saturday TTRPG Shoutout

1 month ago

Do you have a TTRPG Channel you would like to shout out? Let me know so I can come to say hi.As always thank you to ‪@JeffsGameBox‬ and ‪@tabletopgamingwithwolfphototec‬ for finding all these wonderful channels for us.
I got this idea from @ProjektMelody.

D&D Fight Club @D20Dilemma
Forth level fighter? @FourthLevelFighter
A dad who games ‪@dadgamingonline‬
What is gaming in India like? @TheQuestRoll
Squirrel! ‪@raldanash_rpg‬
Pathfinder 2E love @KingOogaTonTon
I love this idea @Crust_Monster
Is solo roleplay the future of the hobby? @wilonascave
Cyberpunk ! @Emmerron
Shadowrun live play ‪@RealmSmith‬
More cyberpunk! @JonJonTheWise

"Saturday TTRPG Shoutout"

#ttrpg #ttrpgshoutout #Saturday #saturdayttrpg #saturdayshoutout #raid #channelraid #ProjectMelody

Presenting: VIGILANTES FOR SHADOWDARK. It’s pulp action street level 1980’s superhero’s in the modern day world of Shadowdark
Vigilantes for Shadowdark - THE OG GM ADVENTURES | (

POD @ LULU Vigilantes for Shadowdark(

POD Hardback Lulu (

Buy me a coffee :

A disclaimer on my work
As an independent creator, I maintain a clear stance on non-gaming topics. I neither condone nor
endorse nor rebuke nor concern myself with any cultural, political, legal, or non-gaming-related opinions of any sponsor, business partner, employee, or individual other than myself, and I wish to keep
non-gaming topics out of my products.
I am just here to talk about Goblins with Sticks.

From the OGGM,
#Hasbro, #Hasbropulse, #trpg, #rpg, #ttrpg, #ttrpgs, #trpgs, #rpgs,#wotc,
#DnDStories, #DnDStory, #DnDhorrorStory, #DnDHorrorStories, #shadowdark
#D&D, #OSR, #OGL, #ORC,#OSE, #WOTC, #SRD, #tabletop, #tabletopRPG,

This is PG 13. NSFW Editorial

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