Money Chats

1 month ago

I have recently been noticing a trend with certain streamers, those who have a fairly large following and are easily bringing in a healthy amount of revenue both from ads and an insane amount of viewer support in the form of Super Chats, Rumble Rants, or direct donations. What irks me, is they know they're making good money doing what they do, but more and more I hear them whining about not getting "enough support." In some instances, it almost sounds like they're begging. Now, don't get me wrong, I understand the streaming "grift," as some would call it. "We'll do this for such and such dono," or "If you want whatever, drop this amount." All good, as that's part of the play in streaming, but when one knows they already have a massive clutch of loyal followers and supporters, continually "hinting" that you're not getting enough starts to come across as trying to push those followers for more. It's petty and super "grifty," ... so I wrote a tune about it.

If you're a streamer and come across this, and you believe I wrote this about you, I very well could have. If that's the case, well, it's then up to you to - figure it out.

As noted below, the music was done on, using it's v4 AI model.

If you like what I’ve tossed together, please like and subscribe.
I toss up new vids when I figure out where I’ve left my brain and start using it to come up with how I’m gonna lyric up the music I’ve made.

Find me on X – “DBWyld” – posting about random crap; ramblings on pop culture, gaming, and what’s up with the crazies in the world.
Find me on YouTube – “The Wyld Machine” – posting the same as here minus those that could be considered NSFYT.

All lyrics are original musings from my own brain-ball.
The music is performed using with license and copyright as a Pro subscriber.

#AI #AIMusic #Music #Creativity #OriginalWork

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