#254 Alex Maggiacamo from Universal Aluminum Products Ltd Back on the show discussing supply chains

6 days ago

Alex Maggiacamo from Universal Aluminum Products Ltd. joins Manny and Jason the Keystone Contractor on today's episode of The Construction Life. Starting off the show is a talk about supplies, prices and wait times boiling down to Canada's lack of infrastructure. We play politician, discussing what we would change before segueing into a conversation Employment Insurance and other government benefits. After that heavy topic, we talk tools and brand comparisons, share some strong opinions on spray foam, and wrap up with a new low in client's price negotiation attempts: using supplier prices against tradespeople.

Interested in Universal Aluminum Products Ltd.? Find them at universalaluminumproducts.ca or reach out to Alex at alex@universalaluminumproducts.ca.

How about The Keystone Contractor? Find him at thekeystonecontractor.com or by email at info@thekeystonecontractor.com.

Thank you to everyone who recently purchased a copy of Manny’s first book, The Amabel Letters. The support has been amazing. Check out the book and find out how to purchase a paperback or ebook copy at www.theamabelletters.com, on Tiktok and Pinterest @theamabelletters and on Instagram @theamabel_letters. Direct questions and inquiries to info@theamabelletters, and remember, reviews are always appreciated.

Connecting with The Construction Life Podcast is easy. To send a question Manny’s way, text his mobile at 416 433-5737 or email him at manny@theconstructionlife.com. Be sure to include your name and your question may be read on the show.

Do you have something to add to the conversation? Email info@theconstructionlife.com to schedule a date and time to join up in studio!

TCL has and always will be about giving back to the construction industry.

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