End is Near

1 month ago

Wake up; the dawn is breaking.
The signs are all around; can't you see?
Trumpets in the distance, angels are crying,
The end is near, so look up; your Redemption is here
Wake up, the end is near!
Christ is coming; have no fear.
Open your eyes, see the light,
He's returning; hold on tight!
The stars will fall, the skies are torn,
He's coming back, a new day born,
Repent, believe, and stand your ground.
The time has come; let's turn around.
Wake up, the end is near!
Christ is coming; have no fear.
Open your eyes, see the light,
He's returning; hold on tight!
The hour is late, the signs are clear,
The Son of Man, He draws near,
Be vigilant, be ever awake,
For His return, we shall partake.
The earth will shake, the mountains will move,
His glory shines; we've nothing to prove.
In faith, we stand; in hope, we live.
To Jesus Christ, our lives we give.
Wake up, the end is near!
Christ is coming; have no fear.
Open your eyes, see the light,
He's returning; hold on tight!
So don't delay, don't be blind,
The second coming, it's in our time,
Wake up, wake up; the end draws near.
So in Christ, we'll never fear.
by Paul and Susan Lee

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