Perception - Chapter 4 (EP104)

1 month ago

How we PERCEIVE our world is the KEY! PERCEPTION determines your FEELINGS. Your EXPERIENCE. So, if you want to FEEL differently about something, CHANGE HOW YOU PERCEIVE YOUR WORLD!

On today’s show, Pastor Mike and Dr. Parker discuss the Power of Perception when it comes to Anger Management and HOW TO CHANGE your perspective, simply and effectively! Tune in for a discussion of Chapter 4 from Anger Management: TRANSFORM Anger into Advantage! LIKE! SUBSCRIBE! SHARE!

MERCHANDISE: (shirts, hats, beanies, jackets!)

THE BOOKS (Paperback/Hardcover/Audiobook):
"Twelve Two: How to Transform Your Mind"
----Available everywhere!!! Amazon, B&N, BAM!, etc.

"Anger Management: TRANSFORM Anger Into Advantage"
---Available everywhere!!! Amazon, B&N, BAM!, etc.

(Links to books here:)

00:00 INTRO
01:09 The Power of the Mind
03:09 Snacks from SAUDI!
05:20 Chapter 4 – Perception
05:37 Quick Summary
07:02 Cracking the Code
10:33 Finally, Perception!
21:49 Alternative Perception
32:00 OUTRO

Facebook: Just These Guys, You Know?

A positive attitude and thankful approach to life LITERALLY - IMPROVES BRAIN FUNCTION, physical health, mood and relationship! Tune in for a unique blend of humor, motivation, psychology and spirituality to help you live your best life possible!

Get motivated with this video about overcoming challenges and embracing adversity. Are you desiring God? Learn why a positive attitude improves success against challenges and is necessary for growth and success in life.

For educational purposes only. Not meant to replace treatment. Need help? Get help.

If you begin to feel upset during this show, please STOP listening and call 988 or (800)273-TALK (8255).

#Serenity #stress free #Serentiy prayer #Fruits of the spirit #spiritual advice

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