Maxine Waters Asked A Guard Outside The Dept. Of Education To Show ID And The Jokes Write Themselves

1 month ago

Posted • February 7, 2025: "Attempted insurrection!" That's what Democrats and the media would be screaming at the top of their lungs right now if some Republican members of Congress showed up at the Department of Education and got in the face of security keeping them from entering. Rep. Maxine Waters and other Dems tried to storm the Dept. of Education and were held back by a guard with a look on his face that represented all non-crazy Americans: This guard outside the DoE dealing with Democrat Senators is channeling all of us right now -- That man had an incredible level of patience while those Democrats put on their theatrics. There's a video of Rep. Waters making a demand of the security guard that adds a massive dose of irony to this story considering these Dems are always harping about ID demands being awful and racist: She asks him for ID. Suddenly Democrats are pro showing ID. Now that's funny!

Apparently Waters had even already seen the man's ID but demanded to see it again. He didn't give in: Maxine Waters harasses and taunts a guard at the Dept of Education building to try to force her way inside. The only thing that would have been more perfect is if the guy would have replied "I thought you all were against I.D." -- Maxine Waters demands to see this federal employee’s ID again. He responds, “No,” and continues to block Democrat lawmakers from entering the Department of Education. No one respects Waters or the Dems. They’ve been BOUNCED! You can tell Waters isn't used to hearing "no" and it's a great thing. Funny how that works isn't it? Every. Single. Time. Only when it suits them. Absolute hypocrisy of the left. 🔥 (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Maxine Waters Asked a Guard Outside the Dept. of Education to Show ID and the Jokes Write Themselves

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