Hollywood is filled with devil worship

3 hours ago

I’m taking my power back thanks to Jesus! And I’m allowing God to expose the wickedness in this world one video. One story. One song. One interview at a time. Yes you make deals with the devil. It’s a thing, it’s real! I’ve been telling you for so long it’s crazy that we are finally here. I will say this much some of those still in borage were my friends. I pray for them all the time. I have had moments the Lord has woken me up to pray for my friends. Man it’s painful to know they are hurting but because they look good and famous no one sounds the alarm. 🚨

I’m sounding the alarm right now. Devil get your hands off of my friends. Devil get your hands off my sisters. Devil get your hands off my brothers. And may the Lord rebuke you! Rage war Adonai for your children. Lord tear it all down. In the mighty name of Yeshua Hamashiach I pray. Amen!

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