Deena Hinshaw - The Entertainer

5 days ago

Deena Hinshaw was the Chief Medical Officer of Health for Alberta during the covid performance. Along with her co-conspirator, former premier Jason Kenney, they unleashed an anti-science, totalitarian nightmare on Albertans.

Canada's Covid Terrorists - The Filthy Fifteen - Part 5

In this 5-part series we look at 15 of Canada's most disgusting covid terrorists, and some of the egregious crimes they committed against Canadians. I highly recommend watching them in order, starting with #1. They can be found here:

In Part 1, we cover terrorists #15 down to #12.

In Part 2, we cover terrorists #11 down to #8.

In Part 3, we cover terrorists #7 down to #4.

In Part 4, we cover terrorists #3 and #2.

In Part 5, we'll be covering Canadian covid terrorist #1.
I should have this up sometime in the last half of February.

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