Reiki Healing with Sound Bath

1 month ago

30 Minutes of full-body relaxing Reiki energy healing with gentle 432Hz #frequency sound bath.

#frequency chart:
Gamma 25 - 140 Hz immersed in a complex project, you’re alert and highly focused, maybe sitting on the edge of your seat. Your brain is firing on all cylinders
Beta 14-40Hz — The Waking Consciousness & Reasoning Wave
Alpha 7.5-14Hz — The Deep Relaxation Wave
Theta 4-7.5Hz — The Light Meditation & Sleeping Wave
Delta 0.5-4Hz — The Deep Sleep Wave

May this be a blessing in your life!

#starseeds #andromedagalaxy #awakeningconsciousness #newearth #transformation #lawofresonance #spirituality #consciousnessshift #channeling #alternativemedicine

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I have availability for readings and Shamanic Energy Healing. This will clear and rebalance your entire system, and if you choose a longer journey, you can achieve fast and powerful transformation.

🌟 Siberian Stone Divination 🌟 Life Reading
Find out what's generating your current life circumstances from inner depths and unseen realms.

🌟 Shamanic Energy Medicine 🌟 A fast and powerful alternative medicine treatment.
Get help with the heavy lifting and necessary shadow work in gentle, heart-centered energy medicine treatments.
It will lighten your energy body to access more levels of consciousness and higher realms of existence. It is a necessary part of making "The Shift" so that you are not burdened with past wounds and emotional blocks or fears. Living from the heart is key to making the shift, and so if you are stuck in old wounds and not able to live in beauty with all those you encounter, then there is inner work to do.

I use Divine Source Light for powerful fast healing with interactive methods in shamanic energy medicine to empower and activate
your life on all levels of mind-body-spirit.

🌟 Soul Plan Reading 🌟
A vast system from Atlantean times using gematria with the sound of your name in light language to uncover who you are here to be and what talents, goals, and challenges to focus your attention on for success in this lifetime.

🌟 Tarot Reading with shamanic destiny shift 🌟
By working on yourself—your own inner landscape—your outer world also changes.

🌟 This type of powerful work is especially needed because, without healing the dark side and activating your highest destiny, things will play out as written in your fate upon entering this lifetime in your health and circumstances.

🌟 Please see the testimonials from other clients. This method really works. It has transformed my life and all others who seek this path of inner wisdom and connection.

Services to Empower You - Available worldwide by video session
• Divine Source Energy Medicine Treatments
• Animal Behavior and Trauma Healing
• Space / Home Clearings
• Soul Purpose Reading - a system channeled from Atlantean Gematria—Your soul designed purpose, gifts, talents, and challenges in this lifetime
• Change your name / choosing baby names (Soul Purpose Reading)
• Tarot Reading + Shamanic Destiny Acceleration
• Destiny Retrieval for installing your highest and best destiny
• Soul Transitions: working with deceased loved ones. Tending to those that have crossed over

This video is for entertainment purposes only.
It is protected by the United States Constitution protecting Free speech.
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The Video Content has been made available for informational and educational purposes only. The Healing Visionary does not make any representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability, fitness, or completeness of the Video Content. The Healing Visionary does not warrant the performance, effectiveness or applicability of any sites listed or linked to in any Video Content.

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