just do it

2 days ago

Long post📝 if you have time to read it I appreciate you ❤️
2023 was indeed another learning phase for me, it helped me redirect what is more important.
I realized how much potential social media have impacted my life and how should I continue to grow knowledge making passive income online.

Trading has a special place in my heart, investing is another source of income but I decided to not just rely on it and diversify, I realized that there are so much ways to make money that you can be more comfortable without going with the flow (the noise)of what everyone is doing and going on the niche you want to pursue.

My best tip is not give up and never stick with just 1 source when it comes to income, keep learning,keep growing and keep failing because from every failure and achievements is you going closer to what your life has come to offer.

This year the seeds i planted in making multiple passive income will either fail or flourish, not just sources but a more steady,reliable with less of a risk,more time learning and delay gratification. Work in silence with confidence and stability. You can earn so much more spending time on yourself than spending time in social media proving on something to people that you don’t even have.

Remember that the competition is yourself.
Happy Tuesday!

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