👑 From Erin to Sir Lancelot, The Virgin Mary, & Odin & Freya!!! Explore a Desposyni Line With Me!

4 days ago

Come along with Erin as she explores another of her ancestral lines along another exciting path of discovery; In this episode Erin explores an entirely new area in her family lines:

From Erin to Sir Lancelot, The Virgin Mary, & Odin & Freya! Explore a Desposyni Line (The Bloodline of Jesus' immediate Family) , and many more including Many Kings, Queens, Princes, and Princesses! Stay tuned until the very end for a really interesting bit of Norse History!!!

It is Erin's hope that in sharing her journey she will inspire others to do the same for themselves! Most everyone has some hint of information somewhere! Learn some tips and tricks in these episodes Erin is sharing!

If you really have no hint of a trace of your ancestry due to various potential obvious causes... No worries! You can, and are possibly meant to connect to your ancestors in the spiritual realms by other means! This may be a topic for later videos. Follow this channel, or Transcendent Lux Lucis Channel for the spiritual work if you would like to learn more about those topics! Links on the ECKOArt Channel Page!

We have the lineage we have for a reason. If we allow that to be taken from us it only benefits those who do not have our best interest in mind. Connect with who you are. You came here for a reason, your ancestry is part of that story!

Additionally; from about the 8 min mark to about 17:40 there is another anomalous disturbance in the audio. You can still hear it if you want to, OR you can turn on The CC and still know what I am saying if it bothers you. It keeps happening and I have addressed what I can in an effort to prevent it. I will do voice overs at some point. As it is, If I were interested I would still watch it but I might use CC for that section. The topic is too important not to share it as it is for those who are interested in learning more.

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