Exposing the Noahide Laws

6 hours ago

Shalom and blessings to you all. Are you familiar with the Noahide laws? What are they and where do they come from? Stick around and I'll tell you what I know and hopefully you will find this interesting and informative.

I must also apologize as I misspoke a couple of times during the recording of this video. At one point I said that the Jews were chosen to be nations to the gentiles and meant to say be a light unto the gentiles. I also cited Acts 10 when I should have said Acts 15 and I wrongly gave the Apostle Paul credit for a quote when it was actually from the book of Sirach (Ecclesiaticus) from the Apocrypha. The correct information appears in the images posted during the video but in case you were wondering why the image on the screen is different from what I said, it's because I made a mistake.

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