Pet Talk With The Pet Doc

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Dr. Mike helps keep your pets happy and healthy. Dr. Mike will tell you about the latest treatments in pet health. We also take your questions about your pets.
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PET SHOW TOPICS Hour/Minute Timestamp for 02-08-2025
0.02  Anaplasmosis disease from tick bites
0.07  MicroBiome pricing and testing kits still pending SOON
0.10  Tumor Gland Growth on dogs eye : Conjunctivitis
0.15  LIBRELA urinary incontinence side effect
0.22  Cat Prolapsed Rectum and hard stools advice
0.27  Retired Greyhound dog having arthritis stiffness
0.38  Indoor cat scratching advice – flea collar advice
0.42  Cat rodent ulcers on lips advice and treatments PRP
0.53  Teeth cleaning vs nano silver vs other additives
0.57  ThorO2 oxygen topical gel
0.57  Male dog swelling when going outside to urinate aka Bulbourethral
0.60  Dog Chin face acne or strangles infection BAG BALM
1.03  Valentine’s Day Warnings for pet owners
1.08  Are pet vaccines safe? Discussion
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