TCR#1109 STEVEN D KELLEY #422 FEB-6-2025 Cat Friends

1 month ago

@TCRSHOW, Feb. 7th, 2025: @SDK Gaza, Israel, Special Cat Jan. 1st Hospice, Cats´ life-span: 15 years. Universe sees it all. Unconditional Love. Trump´s Insignificance. 50 Trumpers gone, bye, bye, @USAAIDAGENCY gone @OccupyTheGetty @UnconditionalLove @Compassion @ServiceToOthers @Mortality, @Whom you´ve served @OTG Mission @OTGCause @TelegramGroup @OTGStickers, Thank you, Jessica. These El Dorado people are the children, lower level minions of the people we are fighting primarily, Trump picks, Christian Zionists, now would be a good time for Trump to come out and say he is Chabad, Kristi Noem equates criticism of Israel with Anti-Semitism, Pete Hegseth Zionist / Army Veteran / Secretary of Defense pick, Zionism is Satanism, these people are not Christians but Satanists, how do you have MAGA when everything is corrupt from the top down, Mitch McConnell protege to become head of Senate, does not matter who you elect does not make a difference, one thing North Korea has is a lot of self propelled Howitzers, Trump can't save us, what can Trump do? He can't save Ukraine, can't save NATO, can't repair the military or save the Dollar, not going to help us with his relationship with Israel, at the end of the Protocols of Learned Elders of Zion taking us from one disillusionment to another until you finally face to great disillusionment, swing of political pendulum, doesn't matter which way the pendulum swings, can't get a 100 years of stupidly bred out of enough Americans quick enough to get enough engineers to pop out to man those defense factories, with regards to production and manufacturing we don't stand a chance against Russia / Iran / China even with Star Wars because they can out produce us, Russia's weapons production outproduces all of NATO and US combined not even close, China's output dwarfs Russia, time will tell, we'll see what happens to the policies, what happens to Ukraine, what happens to Taiwan, no one wants to be in the military our skirmish in El Dorado will expose their Mafia operations in such a way that people will not be able to tolerate it and stop it, Trump cannot peddle his way out of OccupyTheGetty message, whoever is in the office is the enemy, stop thinking the person in office is a good person, only through the most unpleasant path which of course would have been people like Clinton or Kamala chaos are people going to be able to see the trauma necessary to finally wake up, going to have to wait for the big guys to do something stupid like attacking Iran, what's important is what you do, we are all responsible for the situation that has reached where it is, regarding El Dorado people do not document or write anything down, such as a diary, transcripts, documented testimony, list of names as provided by so and so on such and such date etc., such as a police report statement, until this is done, nothing can happen, we have to record this stuff, victims write down your story, voice records, record your testimony, the harder it gets the more you question your effort, the more you are over the target, you are here for a reason, try to remember all of us have to do this together, show people how it's done, it's so easy for people to fear the boogeyman, people want to serve Jesus but are afraid they will lose their home, job, reputation or experience catastrophe like legal expenses, Jesus got your back, you have the authority to stomp around, you will not get hurt, be fearless, right thing to do is to stand up for the one being persecuted, show people who are not sure what to do, don't let th enemy get arrogant or think they are going to get away with this, this shit has to end.

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