Quite an interesting way to counter enemy FPV drones

1 month ago

Quite an interesting way to counter enemy FPV drones and drops from Russian fighters.

The idea is to use homemade cartridges filled with heat-shrinkable shot instead of a bullet, which are first heated with a hair dryer. When fired from a machine gun, the heat shrinkage is destroyed and releases pellets, the accuracy and penetrating ability of which is quite sufficient to destroy drones
Despite the objective disadvantages of rapid contamination of the barrel bore and its wear, having a couple of magazines with such ersatz cartridges in reserve can save the lives of soldiers who find themselves face to face with a drone. In addition, unlike a shotgun, these cartridges allow automatic fire, which increases density
It’s much easier to carry a magazine or two of these cartridges with you than to carry a separate shotgun for each person, and anyway you can’t issue each fighter with a gun. And the increased wear and tear of the machine gun is not close to the chance of survival.

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