Hidden Technology

1 month ago

We all as beings of earth together should step into the knowing that the deep underground tunnels and "dumb's" (military bases, aka old tartarian temples deep under ground cities) have children being tortured, mass sex trafficking, and human sacrifice;

(see https://rumble.com/v209h06-satanic-childhuman-traffickingsacrifice-is-in-the-foundation-of-this-world-.html )

...adrenochrome, human cloning, DNA manipulated reptilian creatures, blood rituals etc. are all inclusive topics on this discovery. We KNOW all FEMA camps are operating, manned by foreigners, and connected to these tunnels as well. Many are connected under Walmarts across America. Mass prison servelliiance is set up at every Walmart across America right now. The government's executive acts state that with a single signature; military under control of the president can round up everyone in the United States corporation without a warrant and imprison them indefinitely (behead them as well; like remove their head as they have quoted). I also believe 99.9% will die because they do not know God's Law. God's Natural Law, and the "language syntax grammar code" we are all suppose to be speaking by and in regard to the 10 commandments regardless if younare religious or not; because our entire world and world bank FED system operates off a particular code. Those who do not know the language code will be murdered and done so for their lies when this war comes to the lands of Earth.

#5G technology and mind control patents show we already have technology powerful enough to read people's minds remotely TODAY. Now the Beast system can judge man's thoughts and prosecute him for them. Only god can judge though and unless you can speak that sovereignty to authority you will be beheaded or enslaved with a slave chip and assigned to a smart city.

Hopefully "Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars" and the clots from those who took the "snake fang penetration potion" don't murder us all first. The elite are setting up for some sort of end game SLAUGHTER bigger than we have even seen in HISTORY AND IN LIFE AND IN MOVIES.

Standby for TANKS and Military Grade Fighter Equipment to be sent to every FEMA CAMP PRISON in America, and not for your protection. I assure you: there is a FEMA CAMP close to you in your state that you are already assigned to through the department of transportation (DISTRICTS). Some reap life hunger games shit... It is all already here. It is all in the play book. It is an agenda that has been in play for over 2000 years followinf another 5500 years of hidden history and lies.

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