Freedom Protest and Letter of Demand - National Parliament in Canberra, 8 February 2022

4 days ago

Maybe it's the history teacher in me.

Maybe it's simply the awareness that we have much to remember—and to be proud of—when it comes to the righteous resistance that rose up against politico-pharma tyranny in this nation.

This is a video snapshot of what took place in Canberra on Tuesday 8 February 2022.

I will forever be grateful that I was there with my wife and children (camping at Epic with kindred souls from around the nation) to experience and witness everyday men and women pushing back against dark forces that ambushed Australians from 2020.

This video covers the start of the day at Epic (Camp Freedom) and then the protest outside National Parliament.

Tuesday 8 February 2022 was the day Graham Hood (Hoody) and his delegation entered Parliament House to present a Letter of Demand on behalf of all Australians. It was also the day that the mainstream media ventured across the road to speak with protestors.

I offer this video as a contribution to our nation's historical records of this momentous time.

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Park Ridge QLD,
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Love you all. Keep the faith. We win.

Dylan Oakley

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