Bashing on Calvinism and Calvinists

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Some people have the idea we should never be insulting. This is obviously unbiblical since numerous Bible authors were insulting and numerous godly Bible characters were insulting.

There is a place for being insulting of not just ideas but of people.

Calvinism is a false gospel that must be rebuked and Calvinists who refuse correction or are publicly being wolves must be biblically rebuked, which includes accurate insults.

We will look at two videos that might include insults (one definitely does). If you have a delicate fleshly nature that refuses correction and despises godly, biblical rebuke, this is not the video for you.

First, we'll look at Kevin Thompson rebuking "Stealth Calvinists" and their vile deception tactics.

Second, Christian Prince will be rebuking the Calvinist James White for his stupidity and lies about Islam.

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