4 Men & America Episode 23, Modern Political Theory, USAID, etc.

1 month ago

Excuse the "garbled" sound from the Zoom connection...

Constitution for new military enlistees, "Modern Political theory".USAID:
Don, Jeff, Paul, and Ken join the panel today for analysis and discussion about these topics:
First Jeff introduces his proposal to US Rep Eli Crane, which is teach a US Constitution class to new military enlistees in all branches, which replaces the DEI indoctrination laid on them during the last 4 years. Is is any wonder that recruitment is at its highest in 15 years since President Trump was elected...
USAID (United States Agency for International Development) is also in the news and the panel takes on all aspects of the insidious use of taxpayer $$ to support liberal media, NGOs, the illegal alien invasion, Ukraine media, and the unbelievable waste of American's $$...
And we salute the USAF and the Military Air Transport service for delivering the illegal aliens to their countries of origin...it sends a powerful message every country when they see "The United States of America" on those aircraft landing in their country releasing hundreds at a time...
Hegseth's book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0063389428/?bestFormat=true&k=the%20war%20on%20warriors%20pete%20hegseth&ref_=nb_sb_ss_w_scx-ent-pd-bk-d_de_k2_1_7&crid=2SIR7AL5PTV43&sprefix=hegseth
Jeff Utsch's referrals
Abraham Lincoln's Lyceum Address
Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death
Frederick Douglass Project: 5th of July Speech | RBSCP
Speech on the 150th Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence | Teaching American History


Calvin Coolidge on the Declaration of Independence - Taps Bugler: Jari Villanueva


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