Tea Krulos guest, Clowning Around, Utp 360 - Uncle (the podcast)

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Tea Krulos is given a clown’s welcome as the special guest on this episode of Uncle (the podcast). A crazy clown time was had by all during this broadcast that stretched all the way to China.

Topics include: vampires and zombies, vampire movie on streaming, China listener, working machines, on air talent, Milwaukee, Green Bay, Wisconsin, Packers, sports rivalries, Midwest Winters, Phantom Patriot, fringe politics, conspiracy, Trump clowns, Stranger Things, MKULTRA, What We Do in the Shadows, mall sword shops, Pure Blades, 2000 Bohemian Grove, Dark Secrets video, Alex Jones, Jon Ronson, Hillary Clinton, Damascus Steel, K of C sword, podcast live show, business cards, Mark Borchardt, American Movie, Riverwest Radio, low watt stations, Coven hat, drinking culture, breweries, Chicago, Crazy Clown Time, Clowny Clown Clown, Crispin Glover, David Lynch, circus, Nic Cage, Vulgar, Kevin Smith, Jesus Jock Jams, shout outs

Uncle (the podcast) is a wacky comedy podcast starring Uncle John, and his nephew-in-law, Aaron. It is live every Friday night at 11pm Eastern / 8pm Pacific. Please join us, and call in at 319-527-5016.

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