USAID and the Rockefeller Foundation press briefing on the launch of the Global Resilience Partnership 2014-08-19

1 month ago

USAID and the Rockefeller Foundation press briefing on the launch of the Global Resilience Partnership
Remarks by Dr. Michael Yates, Director of the USAID Regional Development Mission for Asia. "And then if we look at other parts of the world, including Nepal, where they have put in place early warning systems with gauges along rivers and streams and with SMS texting and emailing to let people know when storm events are likely to be affecting them, that’s a relatively small investment when you balance it against a community losing everything and slipping back down into extreme poverty. So whether it’s a small community at the household level or whether it’s the business investor who’s producing things for the global supply chain, to me the question really isn’t can we afford to make investments in resilience, the question is really can we afford not to?" August 19, 2014 Video: USAID

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