Episode 147 - #NaughtyBoyNeil

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Well, mother nature strikes again, but we are back! We will be giving high praise to the gods of #Appletv while at the same time playing nice with little brother #netflix . bBut worry not greg will give us all the latest in music and we will tell you all about our best and worst movie views over the past weeks. So just take a deep breath, sit back and relax, because right now it’s time for Hey Pal , What’s New?

#appletv #amazon #hulu #disneyplus #paramountplus #spoilerfree #podcast #moviereview #tvreview #genx #whatsnew #music #movies #FYP #trailers #newmovies #manscaped #dudewipes #fairisfair #julietlives #NaughtyBoyNeil

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