Greg Doucette EXPOSES Fake Nattys In The Fitness Industry!

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0:00 : Preview...
14:00 : Show begins!🔥 - Who is Greg Doucette?
15:20 : Greg & Myron's Jubilee video
18:15 : Young guys shouldn’t be on gear❌
20:00 : Mike O’Tren is still natural🙏
21:00 : Togi’s bloodwork revealed C*caine & Chl@midya
23:45 : Cbum has autoimmune disease and kidney problems
26:00 : Ideal testosterone levels for men
27:00 : Does HGH help with anti-aging?
29:00 : Greg reveals his bodybuilding stack
30:15 : Side effects of trenbolone - Tren cough & Trensomnia
31:30 : Steroids will make you turn g@y💀
34:30 : Cialis & Viagra will give you a CRAZY pump
36:00 : Bikini models take this drug…
38:40 : Biggest fitness trend now
41:00 : Not the BBC😭
41:30 : Greg’s beef with Dr.Mike
45:00 : Does the quality of macros matter? / Ideal time to diet for the show
50:00 : Benefits of IFBB pro card
52:30 : Thoughts on Kali Muscle watermelon diet
54:00 : BREAKING! Wes Watson got ARRESTED for assault
1:03:00 : Thoughts on Dr.Mike’s & Jeff Nippard training program
1:06:30 : Why did Jeff Nippard not come on our podcast
1:08:00 : Jeff got punched by Drake’s bodyguard
1:12:00 : Pre-workouts are dangerous
1:12:50 : How should a 400lbs man lose weight?
1:14:20 : Jon Skywalker ruined his life with gear
1:16:30 : Thoughts on Tren Twins & when should you hop on gear
1:19:00 : Supporter lost 300lbs🔥/ Fat shaming WORKS!
1:20:20 : Jon Skywalker before and after
1:22:45 : More Tren More Men, PAUSE!
1:26:00 : Why do women get naked to make money?
1:27:00 : Thoughts on women taking creatine & how to stop protein farts
1:27:30 : Will Greg be on the Arnold classic?
1:28:30 : Kanye GOES OFF at fat women
1:31:00 : Only broke and ugly ninjas date fat women
1:31:30 : Coach Greg COOKS!🔥 - Progressive overload your b**ches
1:32:45 : Where can you find Greg?
1:33:30 : FREE Event for CastleClub members!🏰
1:34:20 : Outro

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