Whoever Thought It Would Be You?! 🤗 Sistra and Munchkin Lauren the Red Necked Wallabies ❤️

1 month ago

February 7th 2025

I finally managed to find a body guard / witness to accompany me home to visit the Animals and bring them some treats. Only a handful came for roll call 😓 Roger wasn't looking well last we saw him and Mini Astrid has not been sighted for months now but I haven't given up all hope of seeing them again. It's was such a relief to see that Sistra and Munchkin Lauren 🥰 are okay 🙏💚

#wildlife #australia #takeonlyphotosleaveonlyfootprints #friendsnotfood #sentientbeings #someonenotsomething # savehabitatsavespecies #veganfortheanimals #roosarenotshoes #eatplantsplanttrees

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