CIA whistleblower Fungus War

1 month ago

Peter was never the first pope he was Crucified upside down now there may have been a second peter but Paul's teachings in the New Testament is the divinely influence of God I proven that for myself. What is true is they were so jealous of the Gentiles receiving the salvation they rejected that instead of repenting and just following the way they created a hate book called the Talmud that you can tell was divinely inspired by the Spirit of Satan, not caring that all who follow those teaching would rot in hell forever and unfortunately so will everybody who doesn't repent of all their sins (unrighteous behavior) and believe in the true son of God which is Jesus Christ our Lord. And did you know none of those Talmud Jews have any Jew/Hebrew blood in their DNA (the one that call themselves Jews but are not but are the Synagogue of Satan Rev.) but they are raging war on the Saints even if most are unaware of it, they will know soon enough know what is abundantly clear to the one who sees...And leave comments if anyone has any communities of gathering so we can start a plan because we know what's coming is at the door

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