🕊School Of The Prophets | Friday Evening Session🕊️

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Join us at MorningStar Ministries for the ‘School of the Prophets’ at 7:00 PM!

MorningStar School of the Prophets offers a nine-month immersive program that unites individuals from around the globe who are passionate about the prophetic and eager to deepen their understanding. Whether you participate online or attend in person, our training sessions focus on fostering growth through insightful teachings and collaborative activations. We would be thrilled to have you with us!

Sign up or more information today for the School of The Prophets: https://mssop.com

MSU: MorningStar University connects you with peers from across the globe. We are an extension of MSU located in Charlotte, SC. Discover more opportunities in the next chapter of the Spirit and so much more. Please visit https://mstaru.com for more information or to apply.

EVENTS: For more information or to sign up for upcoming events, visit: https://mstarevents.com

SHOP: Check out our online store: http://store.mstarm.org & Stream or Purchase our New Music: https://linktr.ee/morningstarministries

SUBSCRIBE: Subscribe to receive the latest updates from MorningStar Ministries: https://www.morningstarministries.org/subscribe

READ: Read the latest newsletter from Rick Joyner:


Come along as we dedicate ourselves to Jesus, pursue His presence, and discover ways to share His love with everyone around us!

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