You Don't Know Trump

1 month ago

In a Whirlwind of his First 10 Days as the PUBLIC version of the Continuity Of Government Operation we show the Executive Orders and the Power, Strength and Tenacity to Sign 24 Executive Orders - Pardoned over 1,500 Political Prisoners AMERICANS who were practicing the Constitutional Rights to Express their grievances and Free Speech, which was UnLawfully interfered with by Treasonous Acts of Law Enforcement and So Called Government Representatives.

Last Night, Wednesday January 29, a Military Helicopter traveled at High Speed, by appearances made a Bee Line into Passenger America Airline Flight with 64 Souls on board crashed into 8 feet of water in Washington DC and the Information about greater details is delayed while the Rescue efforts are ongoing.
Enjoy and God Bless us All

In our next video we will be Briefly & Succinctly the cause of the Helicopter Crash.

WHY President Trump plans to buy the GAZA Strip and it's NOT for Real Estate Enrichment like so many have claimed!

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Please support Fellow Patriots here: For Bill Anon and his work to help us Free ourselves from the Tyranny of the Global Psychopaths who have us all at odds with each other BY DESIGN!

We are ALL Creators and Co-Creating with our Ultimate Creator and Co-Creating our Reality with each other.

The ONLY WAY to ReClaim our Power is to Take Action!

Special Thanks to: LT and Everyone at "AND WE KNOW" Podcast for the Prayers

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