Saturday Night LIVE: President Trump Saves the World, But You Gotta Have Faith...

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Saturday Night LIVE: President Trump Saves the World, But You Gotta Have Faith...

2:00pm PST, 4:00pm CST, 5:00pm EST, 10:00pm London Time, 11:00pm SAST, 9:00am Sydney Australia, 11:00am Wellington NZ

All Right, get Ready for it, this Saturday Night, February 8th at 4:00pm CST, we will be LIVE with another Truly Amazing Show where we will Help lay out for you All of the things that President Trump has well underway within his New Administration as President47, and how they are preparing the World for Massive Change...

Trump47: The Movie Continues...

The Movie is Moving along so Fast right now, with MASSIVE ISSUES being Revealed, that it is virtually Impossible to stay ahead of everything that is going on, and the Reasons why these things are Happening Right Now; thus, this Show is designed to bring All of You Up to Speed with Trump’s Most Important Actions and what all of this means for our immediate Future…

From the Biggest Bombshell of them All, USAID, to COVID, Dr. Fauci and Robert F. Kennedy Jr., virtually EVERYTHING is now in Play, and all those who work for the Dark Hats are losing their minds, and saying and doing incredibly Bizarre things as they see their Ship beginning to Take on Water, a Sink Deeper and Deeper into the Black Sea...

So, Join us this Saturday Night Live, and regain your Peace of Mind, as President Trump and the White Hats have EVERYTHING Under control, even though it does Not appear to be the Case, just remember Sun Tzu and the Art of War, when you are at the APEX of your Power and Planning Massive Moves, is when you appear to be at your Weakest, so that your Enemy will be unprepared for the Attacks to come, and with Impeachment and Endless Public Attacks hanging over Trump’s Head, it does appear that perhaps he has taken on ‘More than he can Handle’ and should be considering Slowing Down, instead of Speeding Up…so, Hang On, Help is on the Way and Remember, You Gotta Have Faith, Faith, Faith, You Gotta Have Faith, and we will See you this Saturday Night…LIVE!

With Love,

CF and Collywog

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