RIP to my Facebook

1 month ago

This is not meant to be an entertaining cinematic video. Simple a documentation of my old Facebook posts and comments.

On Feb 1, I tried to log into Facebook, I get sent to checkpoint, which I cannot complete because it is glitchy. I cannot use this Facebook account anymore.
After I log in. It goes to the link Facebook. com/checkpoint/?next
After going through the checkpoint, it says "Sorry, something went wrong."
Here is a petition signed by many people having the same problem.

This is a verry stressful situation. Facebook was my main platform. My videos would regularly get thousands of views, sometimes over 10 thousand views. One of my posts on a Facebook group got around half a million views.
I used my Facebook to contact not only personal friends, but various influencers I was Facebook friends with.
I have tried half a dozen times to make a new account.
New account in comments.

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