Christian Motivational Speech for the Hopeless | Jacob #biblical #minister #christianity #jesus

1 month ago

Jacob's Motivational Speech for Hopeless Christians - Minister @GospelofRAK

Sometimes in the anxieties of our day, or in the busyness of our lives; we tend to forget our individual importance to God.
Often we are divulged with internal thoughts of not feeling "good enough", or "worth" the grace of our Lord.
But letting these thoughts linger is only detrimental to the Salvation promised for being truly faithful.
If you think for some reason that you are insignificant; consider this...
Why would the Creator of the world instigate a Law to live by; but realized that there would be a time when the world and His people would be deceived to the point that there had to be a sacrifice that creates both hope and everlasting faith.
Sending Himself in the flesh to be betrayed, rejected, and then put to death. Knowing His blood was the only blood that could offer forgiveness for sins, for the rest of time.
Jesus Christ didn't come to bring forgiveness to those who died before Him. He came to give Salvation to those on the earth after He was nailed to the cross.
Christ died for YOU. God saw the future and what it would be like. He saw this generation, and the absolute impossibility of perfection without guidance from His Holy Spirit.
Be baptized all of you in the name of our Savior Jesus Christ. Repent for your sins and you will be given the gift of the Holy Spirit.
While on your journey to continuously seek truth; His Spirit will guide you to understand our Lord's plan. The Word of God relays the mysteries to Him who sits on the Throne.
Search the Bible and learn it eagerly; as it holds, and if read, expresses what God's plan has been all along. Just as the time of the Acts of the Apostles; we again need to convey the good news to those who don't know.
Jesus came, and died for our sins! We are no longer doomed to Hell no matter how much we have sinned against our Heavenly Father. All we need to do to be saved is to repent of our known sins; and reject them futurely, for the reward for eternal life: without hurt, pain, suffering, or sadness.
God chose you specifically to live in this dangerous time of trial and tribulation;
Don't expect to feel at home here, things will get difficult, but things will never be impossible.
Tests of your faith are necessary and will specifically target your weaknesses.
This is spiritual war, and the devil is constantly waging it on the children of God. Hold fast, be patient, and stay faithful in these times!
And don't ever forget this - the way that you know that God truly cares about your individual importance; is by remembering that if God is testing you, it's because He is trying you like Gold or like Silver in the Fire that is this world...

#minister #biblical #holyspirit #jesus #christianity #motivation #motivational #christian #jesuschrist #repent #besaved #jesussaves #jesusredeems #Godlovesyou

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