Anthropogenic Factor in the Ocean’s Demise | Popular Science Film

4 days ago

What if the most serious threats to our planet remain invisible?
‘Anthropogenic Factor in the Ocean’s Demise’ is a scientific investigation that unveils the hidden processes silently altering the climate and ecosystems of the Earth.

In this film, you will learn:
💡 The Discovery That Shook the World. How did Captain Charles Moore uncover the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, and what does it mean for our planet?
💡 The Ocean Today: An Invisible Crisis. What is the true state of the world’s oceans, and what role do they play in the climate system?
💡 Plastic Under the Microscope. How are microplastics and nanoplastics changing the fundamental properties of water, and what impact does this have on the global ocean?
💡 Why Are the Oceans Heating Up Faster? What hidden factors are accelerating ocean warming, and what are the consequences for humanity?
💡 Rescue Technologies: Myth or Reality? What innovative solutions could help restore balance to marine ecosystems?
💡 The Future of Our Planet. What challenges will humanity face in the fight for a stable climate in the future?

This large-scale investigation was inspired by the Apostolic Blessing granted to the participants of ALLATRA by His Holiness Pope Francis.

More than just a documentary, this film is a science-backed wake-up call — emphasizing the urgency of action in the face of a global climate crisis.

#ocean #climate #water

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