Mayor & Councillor Meltdown Over "Conspiracy" as Another Councillor Laughs While I'm called names

6 days ago

Mayor & Councillor Meltdown Over "Conspiracy" as Another Councillor Laughs While I'm called names & yelled at.
Welcome to Pickering City Council, where reason goes to die, and chaos takes center stage. Mayor Kevin Ashe and his loyal council members love to throw around the term conspiracy theorist at me and anyone who dares to disagree with them, as if it is some magical word that immediately discredits facts and silences truth. The irony? Everything I say and do is backed by research and evidence. But I guess facts don't fit their narrative.
What truly makes a mockery of council meetings isn't a difference in opinions, it's the mayor's inability to control his temper. In one recent meeting, he resorted to yelling at me, turning the chamber into a circus. As if that wasn't bad enough, certain council members sat there laughing, treating the mayor's outburst like it was entertainment rather than a disgraceful display of unprofessionalism. Others rolled their eyes, grabbed their heads in disbelief, and covered their faces in embarrassment.
This is the leadership Pickering residents are stuck with: a mayor who shouts and names-calls people down and council members who idly laugh at the dysfunction or sit by silently rolling their eyes, or showing a display of immaturity by theatrical movements. Dismissing opposing voices, dodging accountability, and mocking the democratic process has become standard practice. No wonder residents are losing faith.
It's time for better. Pickering deserves leaders who listen instead of lash out, who respect debate rather than ridicule it, and who put dignity back into public service.

MNP Digital Inc Report:
Executive Committee Meeting - Feb 5, 2024
City of Pickering Executive Committee - February 3, 2025
City of Pickering Planning & Development Committee - February 3, 2025

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