Friend "Chad" Never Saw Kavanaugh Passed Out But Saw Him Drunk — But Says He Lying

6 years ago

Judge Kavanaugh has already admitted to getting during his younger days. He didn't hide it from the press or the Senate Judiciary Committee. For the most part, a lot of teens got drunk in high school if you were in church 24/7 due to strict parents, though I digress. Believe it or not, a lot of kids get drunk in college. It's almost like the media is acting like this doesn't happen.

Reporter: What specifically did you he testify to that you believe is a lie?

Ludington: I have seen Brett drunk to the point he could easily be passed out.

Reporter: But you never saw him passed out?

Ludington: No. I never saw him passed out. But I saw him quite drunk. He saw me quite drunk.

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