Fun On A Ferry - starts 00:01:07 on video

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Fun on a ferry - video ends 3:49:30
8th Feb 2025 Brisbane City Australia
Turkey - 00:01:07-00:12:30
Transport to South Bank - 00:12:30-00:28:38
Scenic South Bank on foot - 00:28:38-00:56:35
Waiting at the Jetty - 00:56:35-01:14:14
Settling on the Ferry - 01:14:14-01:15:38
Away We Go!!! - 01:15:38-
Gardens Point/QUT - 01:19:00-
Eagles Pier- 01:23:55-01:27:27
Storey Bridge - 01:27:27-01:32:12
Dockside - 01:32:12-01:36:22
Sydney St Pier - 01:36:22-
Mowbray Park Pier - 01:39:30-

I get an Errol Flynn moustache at

Exit Joseph - 02:09:00-
Joseph (Fijian) staff member leaves our ferry😣 - it's not the same again😥
He was very funny and cheered up whole ferry - passengers n staff with his life and humour!😁😂

Speedy (islander captain) Gonzales White Water Rafting Ride! - to cheer us up!! - 03:27:00-03:39:00...And at 02:33:00 evidenced by my hair at 02:49:00!!! 😄So the other staff fellas made a few jokes and the Ferry went real speedy on the way back to city ! Real speedy! As you can tell by my hair!!! Was a great fun ride though.
(Thrilling in the speed- evidenced at 03:27:00 as you can tell by my hair at 03:35:00!!!)

Jeyskis/wave runners 03:42:30

Evil in the air - about - 03:36:36 on video (funnily enough)
Unaware of time on video, "I" shoot my finger at Crown- Union Jack on red ensign flag, who's already gone thanks to Q. Capitulation Tour 2017/2018?? Thanks to Z and Q and Space Force
- We are relieved from the nonsense which ensued the next few hours as it did Fri night - night b4 - in Bris City Queen St Mall. Trans, lesbians rubbish. Only optics. Teeth gone from lion.
Apparently red flag is good? And those ones/activists had been turning it upside down (irreverently to military). So i guess we will know soon. Transition flag in interim?

03:39:50- My lil one called UQ bridge - "Troll" Bridge. And she said Troll lived right under there nearby. There's always tonnes of choppers.

Note - rainbow flag flying at the Boat Club UQ St Lucia as we passed and saw children there using the boats. 7-12 year olds.

Q Pier - 03:37:01-03:37:04, and 03:40:17-03:40:27...
I say "I love Q" 17 -- well, I do!!!🔔💛🍋🎽👍🤗✨🎇🥊🥋🎯🏌️‍♂️⛳
And thanks to Lt Col Bosi and Caroline Kennedy and Lady Di and Pascal!
"Conspiracy No More" Thank God. 👍🐑🦁🍾😁😂🥊

3 Cheers For Real Men and Masculinity. Yay!
Dispels those leftists cobwebs EVERY time!!!😂😁😊🥊🎯👍🏝

Ferry Trip - 01:14:14-03:49:30

Video Ends 3:49:30.....

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