Seems Insurrection-y! Maxine Waters Leads Group Of Dems Trying To Storm Department Of Education

1 month ago

Posted • February 7, 2025: All the Democrats have left is political theater. So they're going to engage in purely performative stunts like this because it's all they can do. This writer is willing to bet not one of these Democrats has set foot inside the Department of Education recently, if at all. Now, suddenly, they demand to be let in. To do what, exactly? We don't know. —— Democrats are trying to storm the Department of Education! Maxine Waters and Maxwell Frost are trying to force their way past the guards. At one point, Waters asks the guards if they have firearms and if they will shoot them. Is this an insurrection? They are pathetic. Also, this writer is old enough to remember when this was considered insurrection. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Seems Insurrection-y! Maxine Waters Leads Group of Dems Trying to Storm Department of Education
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