Riley Gaines Was Right All Along | The Way I Heard It with Mike Rowe

1 month ago

I want to take a moment to congratulate Riley Gaines for yesterday’s triumphant moment at The White House. I don’t care what you think of Donald Trump or how you feel about the blizzard of executive orders he’s signed over the last few weeks. Reasonable people can disagree over much of what he’s done and much of what he’s about to do. But who can disagree with this? Who can find fault with acknowledging the biological and physical advantages that come with being born a man? Who can deny the courage of women like Riley Gaines, who fought back when doing so invited violence, along with charges of bigotry and intolerance?

What made the betrayal that Riley and so many others endured so disgraceful was the fact that so much of it came from feminists who should have had her back, and powerful men who could have protected her but didn’t. But that wasn’t the worst of it. The most chilling betrayal came from millions of observers who saw the madness for what it was but did nothing to condemn it. Personally, I’m proud to have welcomed Riley onto my podcast last year, but I wish I’d done so sooner. Her courage was an inspiration to me and to so many others.

PS. This should go without saying, but since nothing goes without saying anymore, I’ll say it. Like most Americans, I support gay rights. I also support an adult’s right to transition in whatever way they please. I’m also happy to address them by whatever pronoun they prefer, or whatever new name they choose for themselves. But that doesn’t mean I think that men should be allowed to compete in women’s sports. And how crazy is it, that saying so required a measure of courage that was—for a while there—in such short supply.

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