Lost in Legalism? The REAL Impact of Lordship Salvation

5 days ago

Free Grace vs. Lordship Salvation? Which is Correct? | "Lordship Salvation" is a false gospel that needs to be EXPOSED! It suggests that one must completely commit to follow Jesus' teachings and live a moral, upright life to obtain salvation, creating a false works-based gospel and keeps people lost in legalism, rather than simply trusting ALONE on the death, burial, and resurrection for the complete payment for sin. It adds conditions to salvation beyond faith alone, which distorts the true gospel of grace. By the very definition- grace is FREE! The likes of John MacArthur, John Piper, R.C. Sproul, and others in the reformed theology circles promote this heresy.

Listen closely to Raegan in this video interview. Her answers reflect the real impact and dangers of this false "Lordship Salvation". You'll hears answers such as: "do the right thing", "change my ways", "beg for forgiveness", and "live godly" to obtain salvation. THIS is the what Lordship Salvation perpetuates. Notice her countenance change as she comes to an understanding of GRACE and biblical salvation. She is released from the bondage of a false, works based gospel.

It is doubtful that she understands the theological term "Lordship Salvation"; however, this false gospel has crept into all denominations of Christendom in a clever disguise. If you are confused about Lordship Salvation, read Ephesians 2:8-10 KJV. The good works of a Christian come after receiving the gracious gift of God as a response, rather than doing the good works to obtain it.

Believe 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV and be saved today!


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